NEW GLOBE LOGISTIK, India, receives compliments for great service

In the Monsoon season from June to September usually due to heavy rains, most vessels/flights and cargos are delayed. This puts NEW GLOBE, your PANGEA partner in India, and its team to the test to make advance planning and execution to achieve delivery on time.


One of their largest clients, Lucy Switch Gear, Dubai, had a lot of 40 containers to move from JNPTNEW_GLOBE_INDIA_SHIPMENT_MONSOON
to Dubai of critical parts in a tight time frame.

Despite of heavy rains in last few weeks, shipments were planned such a way that they were delivered on time which resulted in below compliment:

23rd June 2015

“Thanks & appreciating New Globe TEam for taking due care of this important shipment under trying conditions”, Jibdu John, Logistics Manager, LUCY SWITCHGEAR DUBAI.

This positive appreciation for their work is NEW GLOBE’s reward.

A big thanks to NEW GLOBE Team.


Pls. visit for more information


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