Freight Network emailer platform

It is a pleasure to inform you that we have completed a new website development that allow us to send our communications to all Network contacts directly through our website.

You should receive our emails in a weekly basis, including Members notices, news, announcements, general information, etc. With this new function we can personalize our emails and choose the receivers of our communications: to all Network contacts, PANGEA Coordinators, selected Member/s or contact/s, group of Members, etc.

This is the first step to a powerful network emailer platform. Once again the PANGEA website provides the functions to make the most of communication and networking.

It is very important that we stay connected all the year through, so please keep us updated on any relevant news or information about your Company so that we all know and hear from you. Has your Company obtained any award or sector recognition? Have you recently handled a special shi pment? Would you like to inform us of a successful cooperation with your PANGEA partners? Pls. Contact us and we will edit your next news article.

Thanks for your time!



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