Excellent members deserve excellent tools: New Member Rating feature

As recently commented, we are making some changes on the Member profile, in order for everyone to get more information from each partner, at the same time you can better show your scope of services and strengths to all. And here is an important one!

We have added a member rating, giving 5 and 4 stars to the most active members. The system automatically counts the number of shipments registered and routed by each member and how diversified is that cooperation (number of different partners involved) over the last year. The ratios between the number of shipments and partners determine who is entitled for 5 or 4 stars. Also adjustments related to country size/traffics are considered.

We are very happy to see a growing list of Members routing and registering their shipments and receiving the highest ratings. Unfortunately, we are not able to rate the Members that are not registering their shipments, so their rating appears blank.


This is a way to recognize the most active members and to share this valued information with everyone. As many business guru’s say “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”, and this applies to each one of you and us. Cooperation is in the core of networking and we need data to be able to manage and optimize it.

If you have not registered your shipments during the last year, you can send us a report in any format available so we can consider your contributions and add a rating on your profile manually.

We encourage you to continue registering all your shipments in the system so you maintain your Top Rating or to start registering your contributions from now and soon get the recognition.

At your disposal for any clarification or help.

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