Rukan Bukit Gading Mediterania Blok EB06, Jalan Venesia, RT/RW. 002/016 Kel. Kelapa Gading Barat, Kec. Kelapa Gading 14240 - JAKARTA INDONESIA
Tel: 62 2129460097
Rungkut Asri IX No.10 (RL-2B No.5) RT/RW. 004/010 Kel. Kalirungkut Kec. Rungkut 60293 - SURABAYA INDONESIA
Tel: 031 87854423
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PT Andalan Daya Abadi is a private company based in Jakarta Indonesia established in 2012 by Mr. Dimas and Mr. Erik. PT Andalan Daya Abadi engaged in Logistics / Cargo (Forwarder). According to our Motto of "The Architect of Cargo Transport" we are trying to provide the best services for customers and business partners, and always provide opportunities for all employees who want to learn about anything, especially in the field of Cargo / Logistics.