ORIGIN LOGISTICS (Türkiye) drives innovative sustainable development across the industry

ORIGIN LOGISTICS, your Pangea partner in Türkiye and a part of the Fevzi Gandur Group, is leading the way in sustainable development in the logistics industry. To fight climate change and improve society, the company has launched several important environmental and social projects.

Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ORIGIN LOGISTICS has made significant progress in reducing its environmental footprint, reflecting its dedication to a healthier planet and a sustainable logistics industry.

In light of global challenges, particularly the urgent issue of climate change, ORIGIN LOGISTICS recognizes the imperative of taking responsible action to mitigate its environmental impact. With the global population nearing 8 billion, the company acknowledges our collective responsibility to ensure a healthy planet for future generations. In 2022, ORIGIN LOGISTICS initiated a comprehensive plan aligned with the SDGs, emphasizing shared responsibility for sustainability.

Over the past two years, ORIGIN LOGISTICS has achieved significant milestones across various SDGs, showcasing its commitment to societal well-being and environmental stewardship:

NO POVERTY: In response to earthquakes, ORIGIN LOGISTICS spearheaded solidarity initiatives, organizing events and campaigns to support affected communities. Aid packages, funded through donations, were distributed directly to those in need, and transportation assistance was provided to official and civil institutions.

GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: The company instituted an Employee Support Program, offering comprehensive health coverage and safety training. Additionally, sessions on “Advanced Driving Techniques” were conducted to enhance fleet team effectiveness and prevent accidents.

QUALITY EDUCATION: ORIGIN LOGISTICS promotes ongoing foreign language education for employees and invests in the next generation through internship programs. A computer laboratory was established in a Hatay school affected by earthquakes, aiming to reduce educational inequalities and support students toward a better future.

GENDER EQUALITY: With a zero-tolerance approach to gender discrimination, ORIGIN LOGISTICS received the Great Place to Work for Women award in 2022, affirming its commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace environment.

CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION: Initiatives on World Water Day raise awareness among employees about sustainable water usage and the strategic importance of water resources.

AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY: Solar panels installed at the Çatalca warehouse contribute to a 70% renewable energy supply, while technological advancements reduce energy consumption.

DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: Occupational health and safety regulations ensure a secure working environment, validated by ISO 45001 certification. Recognition as a Great Place for Millennials further underscores commitment to employee development.

REDUCED INEQUALITIES: ORIGIN LOGISTICS fosters diversity and inclusivity, earning recognition as a Great Place to Work, irrespective of religion, language, race, gender, or lifestyle.

SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES: Support for non-profit organizations promotes environmentally friendly practices, contributing to sustainability and conservation efforts.

RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION: Transitioning to recyclable or durable consumption products reduces environmental impact, aligning with conservation goals.

CLIMATE ACTION: Training sessions on climate change and disaster management raise awareness, while preventive measures support environmental conservation.

LIFE ON LAND: Green Logistics certification and tree planting activities contribute to biodiversity preservation and carbon footprint reduction.

PEACE, JUSTICE, AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS: Trace Certification underscores values of honesty, fairness, and transparency, fostering trust with customers and suppliers.

PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS: Collaborations across Fevzi Gandur companies and sectoral associations enhance collective efforts towards sustainable development goals, amplifying impact and resources.

As ORIGIN LOGISTICS continues to lead by example, its unwavering dedication to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility sets a standard for others in the logistics sector. Through proactive measures and collaborative partnerships, the company strives to lead the way toward a greener, more inclusive future

Pls. visit ORIGIN LOGISTICS for more information

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